Bidh Alex Jones a’ cumail Infowars an-dràsta às deidh don bhritheamh an tagradh rop a bhuannaich The Onion a dhiùltadh

Tha do thaic gar cuideachadh gus an sgeulachd innse

Bho chòraichean gintinn gu atharrachadh clìomaid gu Massive Tech, tha The Unbiased air an talamh nuair a tha an sgeulachd a’ leasachadh. Co-dhiù a tha e a’ sgrùdadh ionmhas an pro-Trump PAC aig Elon Musk no a’ toirt a-mach am prògram aithriseach as ùire againn, ‘The A Phrase’, a tha a’ deàrrsadh air na boireannaich Ameireaganach a tha a’ strì airson còraichean gintinn, tha fios againn cho cudromach sa tha e na fìrinnean a sgrùdadh. teachdaireachdan.

Aig àm cho èiginneach ann an eachdraidh nan SA, tha feum againn air luchd-aithris air an talamh. Leigidh an tabhartas agad leinn cumail oirnn a’ cur luchd-naidheachd a bhruidhinn ri gach taobh den sgeulachd.

Tha earbsa aig Ameireaganaich thar an speactram poilitigeach gu lèir anns an Unbiased. Agus eu-coltach ri mòran ionadan naidheachd càileachd eile, tha sinn a’ roghnachadh gun a bhith a’ glasadh Ameireaganaich a-mach às ar n-aithris agus mion-sgrùdadh le ballachan pàighidh. Tha sinn den bheachd gum bu chòir naidheachdas càileachd a bhith ri fhaighinn leis a h-uile duine, le pàigheadh ​​​​air a shon leis an fheadhainn as urrainn a phàigheadh.

Bidh an taic agad a’ dèanamh diofar mòr.

Britheamh feadarail ann an Texas dhiùlt reic rop Infowars Alex Jones gu ionad naidheachdan sgaiteach The Onion, a’ càineadh an tagraidh airson an àrd-ùrlar teòiridh co-fheall mar lochtach a bharrachd air na tha de dh’ airgead aig teaghlaichean 2012 Sandy dubhan Bha losgadh bun-sgoile ri fhaighinn.

Tha an co-dhùnadh anmoch oidhche Mhàirt na bhuannachadh dha Jones, aig an deach làrach Infowars a chuir suas airson a reic mar phàirt den chùis brisidh aige às deidh faisg air $ 1.5 billean a tha cùirtean air òrdachadh dha pàigheadh ​​​​thairis a bhith a’ gairm gu meallta aon de na h-oighreachdan sgoile as marbhtach ann an Tha eachdraidh nan SA na mheall. Teaghlaichean Bha luchd-fulaing Sandy Hook air taic a thoirt do thagradh The Onion.

Às deidh èisteachd dà latha ann an Houston, thuirt Breitheamh Briseadh na SA, Christopher Lopez, nach toireadh e cead don reic, agus e ag ainmeachadh draghan mu fhollaiseachd san rop. Bidh sin a’ glanadh an t-slighe dha Jones a chumail – co-dhiù airson a-nis – Infowars, aig a bheil prìomh oifis ann an Austin, Texas. Bha an Onion an dùil Jones a bhreabadh a-mach agus Infowars ath-chraoladh san Fhaoilleach mar phàrras.

“Tha sinn air ar briseadh-dùil mòr le co-dhùnadh an latha an-diugh, ach leanaidh The Onion a’ sireadh rùn a chuidicheas teaghlaichean Sandy Hook gus toradh adhartach fhaighinn airson an uabhas a dh’ fhuiling iad,” thuirt Ben Collins, Ceannard companaidh phàrant The Onion, International Tetrahedron, air postadh air meadhanan sòisealta anmoch Dimàirt.

Dh’ainmich Lopez duilgheadasan – ach cha robh e ceàrr – leis a’ phròiseas rop. Thuirt e gun tuirt e nach robh e a’ smaoineachadh gun robh an fheadhainn a bha an sàs anns an rop an sàs ann an droch rùn agus gun robh a h-uile duine “air an cas as fheàrr a chuir air adhart agus a’ feuchainn ri cluich a rèir nan riaghailtean. ”

Ach, thuirt Lopez gun tuirt e nach robh e ag iarraidh rop eile agus dh’ fhàg e an urra ris an urrasair a bha os cionn an rop na h-ath cheumannan a dhearbhadh.

Thairg an Onion $ 1.75 millean ann an airgead agus brosnachaidhean eile airson maoin Infowars anns an rop. Chuir First United American Firms, a bhios a’ ruith làrach-lìn ann an ainm Jones a bhios a’ reic stuthan beathachaidh, $3.5 millean a-steach.

Bha na tagraidhean mar phàirt den airgead a chaidh òrdachadh do Jones a phàigheadh ​​​​ann an cùis-lagha mì-chliù Connecticut agus Texas air am faidhleadh le càirdean luchd-fulaing losgadh Sandy Hook. Thuirt Lopez gun do dh’fhàg toradh an rop “mòran airgid air a’ bhòrd” dha teaghlaichean.

“Feumaidh tu sgrìobadh agus sgoltadh agus a h-uile rud as urrainn dhut fhaighinn dhaibh,” thuirt Lopez.

Thuirt Crìsdean Mattei, neach-lagha airson teaghlaichean Sandy Hook a rinn agairt air Jones ann an Connecticut, gun robh iad diombach le riaghladh a’ bhritheamh.

“Tha na teaghlaichean sin, a tha mar-thà air leantainn air adhart tro dhàil gun àireamh agus bacaidhean rathaid, fhathast tapaidh agus diongmhalta mar a bha iad a-riamh. Ailig Jones agus na gnìomhachasan coirbte aige cunntachail airson a’ chron a rinn e, ”thuirt Mattei ann an aithris. “Chan atharraich an co-dhùnadh search engine optimisation leis gu bheil, a dh’ aithghearr, gun tòisich Alex Jones air na fiachan aige a phàigheadh ​​​​dha na teaghlaichean sin agus cumaidh e air a’ dèanamh sin cho fada ‘s a bheir e.”

Thill Jones, nach robh an làthair aig na h-imeachdan, air a’ phrògram aige anmoch Dimàirt gus co-dhùnadh a’ bhritheamh a chomharrachadh, ag ràdh gu robh an rop “gòrach” agus “foill.”

Ged a bha tairgse airgid The Onion na b’ ìsle na tairgse First United American, bha e cuideachd a’ toirt a-steach gealltanas bho mòran de theaghlaichean Sandy Hook gun deidheadh ​​​​$ 750,000 de airgead an rop a bha ri phàigheadh ​​​​dhaibh agus a thoirt do luchd-creideis eile, a’ toirt barrachd airgid dha na creidearan eile na bha iad a’ faighinn. gheibheadh ​​iad fo thagradh First United American.

Cùis brisidh Alex Jones

Tha reic Infowars mar phàirt de chùis briseadh pearsanta Jones, a chuir e a-steach aig deireadh 2022 às deidh dha òrdachadh faisg air $ 1.5 billean a phàigheadh ​​​​ann an cùis-lagha mì-chliù ann an Connecticut agus Texas air am faidhleadh le càirdean luchd-fulaing losgadh Sandy Hook.

Dh’ ainmich Jones a-rithist gu robh an t-seilg a mharbh 20 leanabh agus sianar luchd-foghlaim na mheall a chuir cleasaichean air dòigh agus a bha ag amas air smachd ghunnaichean àrdachadh. Dhearbh pàrantan agus clann mòran den luchd-fulaing sa chùirt gun robh iad air an sàrachadh le co-fheall Jones agus bagairtean bhon luchd-leanmhainn aige.

Tha Jones air aideachadh bhon uair sin gun do thachair an losgadh ann an sgoil Connecticut.

Thèid a’ mhòr-chuid den airgead bho reic Infowars, a bharrachd air mòran de mhaoin phearsanta Jones, gu teaghlaichean Sandy Hook. Thèid cuid den airgead gu luchd-creideis eile Jones.

Bidh neach-stiùiridh an rop a’ dìon a cho-dhùnaidh

Bha an t-Urrasair Crìsdean Moireach air tagradh The Onion a dhìon sa chùirt an t-seachdain search engine optimisation, a’ dearbhadh nach robh e airson an dàrna cuid tagraiche seach an neach eile agus nach robh e claon.

Nochd e cuideachd gun do chuir First United American tairgse ath-sgrùdaichte a-steach anns na beagan làithean a dh ’fhalbh, ach thuirt e nach b’ urrainn dha gabhail ris leis gu robh teaghlaichean Sandy Hook ann an cùis-lagha Connecticut a ’gearan.

Chuir an Onion luach air an tairgse aige, le tairgse teaghlaichean Sandy Hook, aig $7 millean leis gu robh an t-suim sin co-ionann ri prìs ceannach a bheireadh an aon suim airgid dha na creidearan eile.

Ann am faidhleadh cùirte air a’ mhìos a chaidh, dh’ ainmich luchd-lagha Mhoireach iarrtas First United American airson tagradh The Onion a dhì-cheadachadh mar “oidhirp neo-iomchaidh neach-tairgse briseadh-dùil buaidh a thoirt air pròiseas taghaidh a tha cothromach agus fosgailte.”

Thug neach-lagha Jones, Ben Broocks, fa-near gum faodadh breithneachaidhean cùis-lagha Sandy Hook a bhith air an cur an cùl ri ath-thagraidhean agus thug e air Moireach aideachadh gum faodadh tairgse theaghlaichean Sandy Hook ann an tairgse The Onion tuiteam às a chèile nan tachradh sin. Tha sin air sgàth gum faodadh an àireamh sa cheud de airgead an rop a bhiodh iad airidh air tuiteam gu mòr agus chan fhaigheadh ​​​​iad an $750,000 bhon reic ri thoirt do luchd-creideis eile.

A’ cur Infowars suas airson rop

Air an reic bha an uidheamachd agus a’ mhaoin eile ann an stiùidio Infowars ann an Austin, a bharrachd air còraichean air na cunntasan meadhanan sòisealta, làraich-lìn, tasglann bhidio agus comharran-malairt toraidh. Bidh Jones a’ cleachdadh an stiùidio gus na taisbeanaidhean as fhaide air falbh, làn teòiridh co-fheall a chraoladh air làrach-lìn Infowars, a chunntas air àrd-ùrlar sòisealta X agus stèiseanan rèidio. Tha mòran de mhaoin phearsanta Jones cuideachd gan reic.

Tha Jones air stiùidio, làraich-lìn agus cunntasan meadhanan sòisealta eile a stèidheachadh air eagal ’s gum faigh The Onion cead airson Infowars a cheannach agus a bhreabadh a-mach. Tha Jones air a ràdh gum faodadh e cumail a’ cleachdadh àrd-ùrlaran Infowars ma tha buannaiche an rop càirdeil dha.

Tha Jones ag agairt gun deach an t-airgead òrdachadh a phàigheadh ​​ann am breithneachaidhean ag ainmeachadh còirichean cainnt an-asgaidh.

#Bidh #Alex #Jones #cumail #Infowars #andràsta #às #deidh #don #bhritheamh #tagradh #rop #bhuannaich #Onion #dhiùltadh

The Unbiased

#Bidh #Alex #Jones #cumail #Infowars #andràsta #às #deidh #don #bhritheamh #tagradh #rop #bhuannaich #Onion #dhiùltadh

Dave Collins , 2024-12-11 06:50:00

The Onion’s transfer to purchase Alex Jones’ Infowars out of chapter is blocked by a federal decide

Your assist helps us to inform the story

From reproductive rights to local weather change to Massive Tech, The Impartial is on the bottom when the story is creating. Whether or not it is investigating the financials of Elon Musk’s pro-Trump PAC or producing our newest documentary, ‘The A Phrase’, which shines a lightweight on the American ladies preventing for reproductive rights, we all know how necessary it’s to parse out the info from the messaging.

At such a essential second in US historical past, we’d like reporters on the bottom. Your donation permits us to maintain sending journalists to talk to each side of the story.

The Impartial is trusted by Individuals throughout your entire political spectrum. And in contrast to many different high quality information retailers, we select to not lock Individuals out of our reporting and evaluation with paywalls. We imagine high quality journalism needs to be accessible to everybody, paid for by those that can afford it.

Your assist makes all of the distinction.

A federal decide on Tuesday night time rejected the sale of the conspiracy platform Infowars to The Onion satirical information outlet after Alex Jones claimed {that a} current chapter public sale was fraught with unlawful collusion.

The Onion was named the profitable bidder on Nov. 14 over an organization affiliated with Jones. U.S. Chapter Choose Christopher Lopez’s resolution means Jones can keep at Infowars in Austin, Texas.

The Onion had deliberate to kick Jones out and relaunch Infowars in January as a parody.

A trustee who oversaw the Infowars chapter public sale instructed a decide Tuesday that he picked The Onion’s bid for the conspiracy-filled platform as a result of was it much better than the one different proposal he acquired, from an organization affiliated with Alex Jones.

Trustee Christopher Murray testified throughout the second day of a listening to the place a decide is scrutinizing Murray’s resolution to call the satirical information outlet’s supply because the profitable bid after a November public sale that Jones alleges concerned fraud and collusion.

“Solely two folks confirmed as much as bid and … one was simply higher than the opposite,” Murray testified, referring to The Onion. Requested how significantly better it was, he stated “by lots.”

A federal judge has blocked the sale of Alex Jones’ Infowars to The Onion

A federal decide has blocked the sale of Alex Jones’ Infowars to The Onion (AFP by way of Getty Photographs)

The Onion, which desires to show Infowars’ web site and social media accounts into parodies, supplied $1.75 million in money and different incentives for Infowars’ property within the public sale that concluded on Nov. 14. First United American Firms, which runs an internet site in Jones’ identify that sells dietary dietary supplements, bid $3.5 million

Though The Onion’s money supply was decrease than that of First United American, it additionally included a pledge by lots of the Sandy Hook households to forgo $750,000 of the public sale proceeds as a consequence of them and provides it to different collectors, offering the opposite collectors more cash than they might obtain below First United American’s bid.

Jones didn’t attend the proceedings and as a substitute broadcast from his studios in Austin.

“I am unable to think about the decide would certify this fraud,” Jones stated on his present Tuesday. “I imply it is head-spinning the stuff they did and what they claimed.”

The trustee and The Onion deny the allegations from Jones and the corporate and accused them of bitter grapes.

Alex Jones’ chapter case

The sale of Infowars is a part of Jones’ private chapter case, which he filed in late 2022 after he was ordered to pay practically $1.5 billion in defamation lawsuits in Connecticut and Texas filed by relations of victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary College taking pictures.

Jones repeatedly known as the 2012 taking pictures that killed 20 youngsters and 6 educators a hoax staged by actors and aimed toward growing gun management. Dad and mom and youngsters of lots of the victims testified in court docket that they have been traumatized by Jones’ conspiracies and threats from his followers.

Jones has since acknowledged that the Connecticut college taking pictures occurred.

Many of the proceeds from the sale of Infowars, in addition to a lot of Jones’ private property, will go to the Sandy Hook households. Some proceeds will go to Jones’ different collectors.

The public sale overseer defends his resolution

Murray testified that he didn’t favor both bidder over the opposite and was not biased.

He additionally revealed that First United American submitted a revised bid in current days, however he stated he couldn’t settle for it as a result of the Sandy Hook households within the Connecticut lawsuit objected.

The Onion valued its bid, with the Sandy Hook households’ supply, at $7 million, as a result of that quantity was equal to a purchase order value that would supply the identical sum of money to the opposite collectors.

The Onion had planned to kick Jones out and relaunch Infowars in January as a parody.

The Onion had deliberate to kick Jones out and relaunch Infowars in January as a parody. (REUTERS)

In a court docket submitting final month, Murray’s attorneys known as First United American’s request to disqualify The Onion’s bid a “disenchanted bidder’s improper try and affect an in any other case truthful and open election course of.”

Murray’s lawyer questioned him Tuesday afternoon, then Jones’ legal professional, Ben Broocks, cross-examined him into the early night.

Broocks famous that the Sandy Hook lawsuit judgments might be overturned in pending appeals and bought Murray to acknowledge that the Sandy Hook households’ supply in The Onion bid might disintegrate if that occurs. That is as a result of the proportion of the public sale proceeds they might be entitled to might drop sharply and so they would not get the $750,000 from the sale to present to different collectors.

Broocks additionally questioned Murray about last-minute modifications to the proposed sale to The Onion, with Murray responding that they have been the results of totally different viewpoints on the numbers being settled.

Auctioneer Jeff Tanenbaum on Monday defended each the worth of the bid and its choice.

Placing Infowars up for public sale

Up on the market have been all of the gear and different property within the Infowars studio in Austin, in addition to the rights to its social media accounts, web sites, video archive and product logos. Jones makes use of the studio to broadcast his far-right, conspiracy theory-filled exhibits on the Infowars web site, his account on the social platform X and radio stations. A lot of Jones’ private property are also being bought.

Jones has arrange one other studio, web sites and social media accounts in case The Onion wins approval to purchase Infowars and kicks him out. Jones has stated he might proceed utilizing the Infowars platforms if the public sale winner is pleasant to him.

Jones is interesting the $1.5 billion in judgments citing free speech rights.

#Onions #transfer #purchase #Alex #Jones #Infowars #chapter #blocked #federal #decide

The Impartial

#Onions #transfer #purchase #Alex #Jones #Infowars #chapter #blocked #federal #decide

Dave Collins , 2024-12-11 05:14:00


The Onion’s bid for Infowars remains to be in court docket as choose critiques public sale

Your help helps us to inform the story

From reproductive rights to local weather change to Large Tech, The Unbiased is on the bottom when the story is creating. Whether or not it is investigating the financials of Elon Musk’s pro-Trump PAC or producing our newest documentary, ‘The A Phrase’, which shines a lightweight on the American girls preventing for reproductive rights, we all know how essential it’s to parse out the details from the messaging.

At such a important second in US historical past, we want reporters on the bottom. Your donation permits us to maintain sending journalists to talk to each side of the story.

The Unbiased is trusted by People throughout the whole political spectrum. And in contrast to many different high quality information shops, we select to not lock People out of our reporting and evaluation with paywalls. We imagine high quality journalism needs to be accessible to everybody, paid for by those that can afford it.

Your help makes all of the distinction.

A chapter choose scrutinizing The Onion’s bid for Alex Jones ’ Infowars platform was anticipated to listen to a second day of testimony Tuesday after an auctioneer defended the satirical information outlet’s profitable provide in November.

It isn’t clear how rapidly U.S. Chapter Choose Christopher Lopez in Houston will resolve whether or not to approve the bid. The Onion, which needs to show Infowars’ web site and social media accounts into parodies, supplied $1.75 million for Infowars’ property within the public sale.

Jones didn’t attend Monday’s begin of the important thing listening to and as an alternative continued to broadcast from his studios in Austin.

Jeff Tanenbaum, president of ThreeSixty Asset Advisors, was grilled by legal professionals for Jones and the corporate in a Houston courtroom on Monday over how The Onion’s bid got here to be valued at $7 million and why a reside public sale was not held. He defended each the worth of the bid and its choice after the 2 sealed provides have been opened.

Lopez may in the end resolve whether or not to void The Onion’s bid, title the Jones-affiliated firm the winner or maintain one other public sale, amongst different potentialities.

Jones and First United American Corporations, which runs an internet site in Jones’ title that sells dietary dietary supplements and submitted the opposite bid, are alleging fraud and collusion within the public sale that concluded on Nov. 14. The trustee and The Onion deny the allegations, accusing Jones and the corporate of bitter grapes. First United American Corporations bid $3.5 million.

Alex Jones’ chapter case

The sale of Infowars is a part of Jones’ private chapter case, which he filed in late 2022 after he was ordered to pay practically $1.5 billion in defamation lawsuits in Connecticut and Texas filed by kinfolk of victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary Faculty capturing in Connecticut. Jones repeatedly known as the 2012 capturing that killed 20 youngsters and 6 educators a hoax staged by actors and aimed toward growing gun management.

A lot of the proceeds from the sale of Infowars, in addition to a lot of Jones’ private property, will go to the Sandy Hook households to assist fulfill judgments issued by juries and judges in state courts in Connecticut and Texas. Some proceeds will go to Jones’ different collectors.

The Onion’s bid additionally included a pledge by lots of the Sandy Hook households to forgo some or all the public sale proceeds as a consequence of them to present different collectors a complete of $100,000 greater than they’d obtain beneath different bids.

Auctioneer defends The Onion’s bid

The trustee, Christopher Murray, selected The Onion, saying its proposal was higher for collectors as a result of they’d obtain more cash. The Onion valued the bid, with the Sandy Hook households’ provide, at $7 million, as a result of that quantity was equal to a purchase order value that would supply the identical sum of money to the opposite collectors.

Tanenbaum testified that he agreed with the $7 million valuation and believed The Onion’s bid conformed to the public sale guidelines.

A lawyer for Jones, Ben Broocks, requested Tanenbaum the way it was doable that the Sandy Hook households’ provide boosted The Onion’s provide to such a excessive quantity.

“It means the acquisition value worth has gone up as a result of one other buy value must be increased than that worth to be able to present the identical internet profit to that group of collectors,” Tanenbaum mentioned.

Throughout his opening argument, Broocks mentioned there was no manner The Onion ought to have been chosen over First United American.

“How does a $1.75 million bid beat a $3.5 million bid?” he requested. “How is that $1.75 million higher? Effectively, it’s voodoo economics to make use of a phrase.”

Joshua Wolfshohl, an lawyer for Murray, advised the choose Monday that no wrongdoing occurred through the public sale. He known as the complaints by Jones and First United American Corporations unfounded.

“The overwhelming majority of their complaints are simply unbelievable, imagined conspiracy theories that haven’t any foundation in actuality,” he mentioned.

Murray, The Onion and the Sandy households deny allegations of wrongdoing. In his personal court docket submitting, Murray known as the allegations “a upset bidder’s improper try to affect an in any other case truthful and open public sale course of.”

Placing Infowars up for public sale

Up on the market on the public sale have been all of the gear and different property within the Infowars studio in Austin, Texas, in addition to its social media accounts, web sites, video archive and product emblems. Jones makes use of the studio to broadcast his far-right, conspiracy theory-filled reveals on the Infowars web site, his account on the social platform X and radio stations.

Jones has arrange one other studio, web sites and social media accounts in case The Onion wins approval to purchase Infowars and kicks him out. Jones has mentioned he may proceed utilizing the Infowars platforms if the public sale winner is pleasant to him.

Jones is interesting the $1.5 billion in judgments citing free speech rights however has acknowledged that the college capturing occurred.

#Onions #bid #Infowars #court docket #choose #critiques #public sale

The Unbiased

#Onions #bid #Infowars #court docket #choose #critiques #public sale

Dave Collins , 2024-12-10 05:26:00


Tha tagradh an Onion airson Infowars a cheannach a’ dol air beulaibh a’ bhritheamh fhad ‘s a tha Alex Jones a’ feuchainn ri stad a chuir air reic

Tha do thaic gar cuideachadh gus an sgeulachd innse

Bho chòraichean gintinn gu atharrachadh clìomaid gu Large Tech, tha The Unbiased air an talamh nuair a tha an sgeulachd a’ leasachadh. Co-dhiù a tha e a’ sgrùdadh ionmhas an pro-Trump PAC aig Elon Musk no a’ toirt a-mach am prògram aithriseach as ùire againn, ‘The A Phrase’, a tha a’ deàrrsadh air na boireannaich Ameireaganach a tha a’ strì airson còraichean gintinn, tha fios againn cho cudromach sa tha e na fìrinnean a sgrùdadh. teachdaireachdan.

Aig àm cho èiginneach ann an eachdraidh nan SA, tha feum againn air luchd-aithris air an talamh. Leigidh an tabhartas agad leinn cumail oirnn a’ cur luchd-naidheachd a bhruidhinn ri gach taobh den sgeulachd.

Tha earbsa aig Ameireaganaich thar an speactram poilitigeach gu lèir anns an Unbiased. Agus eu-coltach ri mòran ionadan naidheachd càileachd eile, tha sinn a’ roghnachadh gun a bhith a’ glasadh Ameireaganaich a-mach às ar n-aithris agus mion-sgrùdadh le ballachan pàighidh. Tha sinn den bheachd gum bu chòir naidheachdas càileachd a bhith ri fhaighinn leis a h-uile duine, le pàigheadh ​​​​air a shon leis an fheadhainn as urrainn a phàigheadh.

Bidh an taic agad a’ dèanamh diofar mòr.

Tha tairgse bho The Oinniún ionad naidheachd sgaiteach ri cheannach Ailig Jones‘ àrd-ùrlar teòiridh co-fheall Tha dùil gun until Infowars Diluain gu a Texas seòmar-cùirte, far am bi britheamh a’ co-dhùnadh an deach rop brisidh a ruith gu ceart leis gu bheil Jones a’ cumail a-mach claon-bhreith agus foill.

Britheamh brisidh na SA Christopher Lopez a-steach Houston gu bhith a’ cluinntinn fianais mu rop na Samhna agus mar a thagh urrasair The Onion thairis air an aon neach-tairgse eile – companaidh ceangailte ri Jones a thairg a dhà uimhir de dh’ airgead na The Onion.

Tha reic Infowars mar phàirt de chùis briseadh pearsanta Jones, a chuir e a-steach aig deireadh 2022 às deidh dha òrdachadh faisg air $ 1.5 billean a phàigheadh ​​​​ann an cùis-lagha mì-chliù a chaidh a chlàradh le càirdean luchd-fulaing an Sandy dubhan Losgadh bun-sgoile ann an Connecticut. Dh’ ainmich Jones a-rithist gu robh losgadh 2012 a mharbh 20 leanabh agus sianar luchd-foghlaim na mheall le cleasaichean agus a bha ag amas air smachd ghunnaichean àrdachadh.

Thèid a’ mhòr-chuid den airgead bho reic Infowars, a bharrachd air mòran de mhaoin phearsanta Jones, gu teaghlaichean Sandy Hook gus cuideachadh le bhith a’ sàsachadh breithneachaidhean a chuir diùraidhean agus britheamhan a-mach ann an cùirtean stàite ann an Connecticut agus Texas. Thèid cuid den airgead gu luchd-creideis eile Jones.

Thairg The Onion, a tha airson làrach-lìn Infowars agus cunntasan meadhanan sòisealta a thionndadh gu parodies, $ 1.75 millean airson maoin Infowars aig an rop, fhad ‘s a bha First United American Corporations – a bhios a’ ruith làrach-lìn ann an ainm Jones a bhios a ’reic stuthan beathachaidh – a’ tagradh $ 3.5 millean .

Bha tairgse an Onion cuideachd a’ toirt a-steach gealladh bho mhòran de theaghlaichean Sandy Hook gun deidheadh ​​iad air falbh cuid no an t-airgead gu lèir bhon rop a bha ri phàigheadh, gus $100,000 gu h-iomlan a bharrachd a thoirt do luchd-creideis eile na gheibheadh ​​iad fo thagraidhean eile.

Thagh an t-urrasair, Crìsdean Moireach, The Onion, ag ràdh gun robh a mholadh na b’ fheàrr do luchd-creideis leis gum faigheadh ​​iad barrachd airgid.

Ann am filmean cùirte, chuir Jones agus First United American Corporations às leth Moireach, The Onion agus na teaghlaichean Sandy Hook gun do rinn iad co-fhaireachdainn mì-laghail air na tagraidhean, gun do rinn iad foill agus gun do bhris iad riaghailtean a’ bhritheamh airson an rop.

Tha Murray, The Onion agus na teaghlaichean a’ dol às àicheadh ​​nan casaidean. Anns a’ chùirt aige fhèin, dh’ ainmich Moireach na casaidean “na oidhirp neo-iomchaidh aig neach-tairgse buaidh a thoirt air pròiseas rop a bha cothromach agus fosgailte.”

Aig an rop bha a h-uile uidheamachd agus maoin eile ann an stiùidio Infowars ann an Austin, Texas, a bharrachd air na cunntasan meadhanan sòisealta, làraich-lìn, tasglann bhidio agus comharran malairt toraidh. Bidh Jones a’ cleachdadh an stiùidio gus na taisbeanaidhean as fhaide air falbh, làn teòiridh co-fheall a chraoladh air làrach-lìn Infowars, a chunntas air àrd-ùrlar sòisealta X agus stèiseanan rèidio.

Tha Jones air stiùidio, làraich-lìn agus cunntasan meadhanan sòisealta eile a stèidheachadh air eagal ’s gum faigh The Onion cead airson Infowars a cheannach agus a bhreabadh a-mach. Tha Jones air a ràdh gum faodadh e cumail a’ cleachdadh àrd-ùrlaran Infowars ma tha buannaiche an rop càirdeil dha.

Tha Jones a’ tagradh an $1.5 billean ann am breithneachaidhean ag ainmeachadh còirichean cainnt an-asgaidh ach tha e air aideachadh gun do thachair losgadh na sgoile.

#Tha #tagradh #Onion #airson #Infowars #cheannach #dol #air #beulaibh #bhritheamh #fhad #tha #Alex #Jones #feuchainn #stad #chuir #air #reic

The Unbiased

#Tha #tagradh #Onion #airson #Infowars #cheannach #dol #air #beulaibh #bhritheamh #fhad #tha #Alex #Jones #feuchainn #stad #chuir #air #reic

Dave Collins , 2024-12-09 05:06:00